
Your total student budget is a 9- or 12-month estimate of costs typically incurred by all students. This estimate includes direct costs (such as tuition 和 fees) 和 indirect costs (such as room 和 board, 个人费用及交通费). Budget parameters are determined by the Colorado Department of Higher Education 和 by the Office of 金融援助.

After submitting this form, a 金融援助 Advisor will review 和 process your request. 一旦完成,一封电子邮件将发送到您的DU地址. 请预留最多两周的时间处理. If you are applying for additional loan funds, allow more time for certification 和 disbursement.

可以根据下面列出的原因进行调整. 不能保证提供额外的援助. 资金,如果有的话,将以学生贷款的形式提供. 只选择那些适用于你的选项.

If you need to make adjustments to your budget because of changes in enrollment, please submit the 正规赌博十大平台排行调整表.

A 4.228% loan origination fee is proportionately deducted at disbursement of each installment of Direct Graduate PLUS loans.
DU健康和咨询费 $225/季度($338/学期).

所需的其他文件: You must submit documentation from your provider demonstrating the cost of your health insurance per month before this request can be processed. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.

可以对购买电脑的预算进行调整 一次 在杜克大学研究生课程注册期间. 的 computer budget parameter is established by the Colorado Department of Higher Education 和 is based on web-published costs.
所需的其他文件: A receipt showing the cost of the computer you purchased must be submitted before we can process this request. 我们不能接受广告或估价. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.
A budget adjustment can be made if the cost of your required books 和 supplies exceed the st和ard budgeted amount as set by the institution. 对于研究生,标准预算金额为 1000美元/年或333美元/季度 对于全日制学生,和 500美元/年或167美元/季度 非全日制学生. 对于法律专业的学生,预算金额是 $1,000/年或$500/学期.
所需的其他文件: You must submit receipts showing the costs of the books 和 supplies needed for your classes before this request can be processed. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.

的 childcare budget parameter is established by the Colorado Department of Higher Education 和 is based on a range of the actual cost of care per child, 在科罗拉多州,每个月都要交一笔钱.

护理时间由上课时间决定, 学习时间, 现场工作, 实习, 以及学生的通勤时间. 的 maximum care time is 15 hours per week per class while the student is enrolled. 批准的费用金额不得超过 每个孩子每月1323美元.

请注意: A 金融援助 Advisor will contact the childcare provider to confirm enrollment/attendance. We reserve the right to request proof of payment for childcare services at any time during the academic year in which a childcare adjustment has been approved.

所需的其他文件: You must submit documentation demonstrating the amount of childcare for each child per month before this request can be processed. 可接受的文件类型包括收据, 注册协议, 已注销支票副本, 和/or a detailed written statement from a provider that includes contact information 和 dates of enrollment/care. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.
只有当你承担了律师资格考试的费用时,才会有这种增加 在杜克大学就读期间. This adjustment can be made for Bar Exam fees only; your budget cannot be increased for Bar prep coursework, 材料, 或者滞纳金.
所需的其他文件: 你必须提交收据,显示你所拥有的金额 已经支付 因为考试成绩是不能被接受的. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.
Requests to increase budgets for disability-related expenses will be reviewed by our appeals committee. 与残疾有关的费用申请是否被批准或拒绝, you will hear from the appeals committee within 3 weeks of submitting the request.
所需的其他文件: 在此请求被考虑之前,您必须提交文件. 请寄收据证明您的自付费用, 描述残疾和相关费用的叙述, as well documentation from a medical professional that indicates specifically how your disability substantially limits a major life activity. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.
We can only increase your budget for airfare 和 program specific fees on your DU bill. 我们不能增加额外的生活费用. 必须先购买机票,然后提交实际收据. 我们只能在出发前一个季度增加机票费用, 和 can only increase for the program fee in the quarter the fee is billed.
所需的其他文件: 你必须提交机票费用的收据, as well as documentation of program fees (such as a flyer) before this request can be processed. 请将此通过电子邮件发送至 finaid@eventoshappyever.com 或者通过先锋网上传.

Please note that we can only increase your cost of attendance for the cost of an economy class ticket, 即使你买了一张更贵的票.

通过提交此表格, you permit the DU Office of 金融援助 to reduce or increase your student budget, 从而改变你的经济援助资格. You underst和 that the Office of 金融援助 will verify all increases; 如果我们发现任何请求是错误的, 你的预算和经济援助将被重新调整, 而且你无意中收到的资金可能会被退回.


